
"It is a relationship that cannot be broken by time or distance. Your Mount Allison family is never far away."

Congratulations, you are now a member of the Mount Allison Federated Alumni!

You have just added your name to a roster of about 35,000 others who have earned a degree at Mount Allison.

Visit the Mount Allison Alumni website

We'd love for you to keep in touch with us, and each other.

Update your address

Update your email and mailing address to make sure you get your copy of our alumni magazine, the Record, published three times a year. You'll also receive invitations to alumni events in your area and to Reunion Weekend.

Connect on social media

Find alumni on social media to stay connected and keep up with what's happening.

Follow us on:

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  • Instagram
  • Join other MtA alumni

Find a MtA alumni network

From Halifax to Vancouver to London, there are Mount Allison alumni networks all around the world. Find one near you!

Questions? Comments? Suggestions?
Contact Alumni Engagement at alumni@mta.ca.