
Diversity is at the heart of our globalized world.

Acquiring a language through literary and cultural studies is your passport to authentic exchange. Exploring linguistic expression by enjoying its applied and aesthetic dimensions is a unique goal: it’s very personal but it involves sharing. Seeking an experience that’s profound and practical? Look no further!     

The Department of Modern Languages and Literatures wants to welcome you into our multilingual unit.

We are composed of five areas:

Different fields have specific goals, but we have a multidisciplinary approach and common standards.

We aim for balance: we hope the pleasure of discovery can spark an interest in mastery; we believe that cultural curiosity can be infused with a respect for expressive heritage.

Our small class sizes provide an opportunity to acquire many skills that will serve you well in your future endeavors:

  • superior communicative competence
  • cultural awareness
  • aesthetic literacy


The Department presently offers:

  • minor programs (French, German, Hispanic Studies, Japanese Studies, Language and the Mind)
  • major programs (French, Hispanic Studies)
  • honours programs (French; Modern Languages, Literatures, and Cultures)
  • extracurricular and exchange opportunities

These options allow students to reflect on the breadth, depth, and variety of areas they want to explore.

Please note that Department policy does not allow auditing of language courses.


Gale Force Theatre
Franziska Glen (‘16), Lily Falk (‘18) join forces to create theatre opportunities
Class of 2024 honoured at Last Lecture
The tenth annual Last Lecture, recognizing graduating students for their contributions to the Mount Allison and Tantramar communities, was held on March 26.
Bridging cultures
Modern languages and literatures student Claire Armstrong travelled to Japan as part of Kakehashi Project

Contact us

Department of Modern Languages and Literatures
