Mount Allison is committed to helping students achieve their educational goals by providing financial assistance and counselling.
Mount Allison offers a wide range of financial support to meet your financial needs, and reward your academic achievements and personal accomplishments with more than $5 million in scholarships, bursaries, and financial aid.
Are you an incoming first-year student? You may qualify for entrance scholarships and bursaries. Visit financial aid for new students.
Not going to make a tuition and fees payment on time? Options for students include account payment deferrals and student payment plans.
Types of financial aid
Merit-based scholarships and awards
Most scholarships and awards recognize academic achievement and personal accomplishments.
Need-based bursaries
If you have demonstrated financial need, you may be eligible for a Mount Allison bursary (non-repayable) to help pay for your tuition, fees, and other expenses.
Loans — Government and Mount Allison
Government student loans and grants help offset the costs of post-secondary education. The University offers book and course material loans.
Funding for student activities
Funding is available for various student activities such as travel, internships, entrepreneurship, and research.

Receiving your financial aid
Have you been approved for financial aid? Find out how to receive your financial aid, including scholarships, bursaries, awards, and loans.

Book an appointment
Have questions about financial aid? Our financial aid and awards counsellor is here to help. Book an appointment or send your questions by email.
Contact us
Financial aid and awards counsellor
Phone: (506) 364-2258
Fax: (506) 364-2272
8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
Summer hours (Victoria Day-Labour Day)
8:30 a.m.-4:00 p.m.
Wallace McCain Student Centre (2nd floor)
Registrar's Office
62 York St.
Sackville, NB E4L 1E2