
Policy 2210 — Emergency Response Plan Policy

Policy section:
Section 2200-2299
Policy number:
Emergency Response Plan Policy
Approved By:
The President
Approved date:
June 14, 2010
Effective date:
June 14, 2010
Administered by:
Vice-President (Administration)


1.1 Purpose

The purpose of this Emergency Response Plan is to establish guidelines and procedures so that the University can respond to an emergency effectively to prevent or mitigate bodily or personal injury, property damage, disruption to University operations and adverse impacts on the University’s reputation.

1.2 Reporting Emergencies

Members of the Community who become aware of an emergency that may not have been reported should immediately report the emergency as follows:

  • 9-1-1 — Emergencies only for fire, police, ambulance and poisons
  • 364-2444 — Facilities Management, during office hours, Monday to Friday
  • 364-2452 — Facilities Management, non office hours
  • 364-2228 — Security: 24 hours per day / 7 days per week / 365 days per year

In addition, University departments will report all emergencies to the Vice-President Administration.

1.3 Reporting Checklist

  • What happened and when?
  • What injuries or damages were there?
  • Is there a threat of further injuries or damages?
  • Who is in charge on site?
  • What are we doing to respond?
  • Have we notified appropriate outside resources or authorities?
  • Have necessary notices been given to students, faculty, staff, and others?
  • Will University operations be adversely affected?
  • Is there other relevant information that should be reported? 

1.4 Categories of Emergencies

Category 1
These are less serious emergencies such as power outages or personal health issues that can be dealt with by one or more University departments without abnormal coordination.
Category 2
These are more serious emergencies such as those involving fatalities, serious injuries, evacuations, storms, chemical spills, or fires; or emergencies that will require more than normal co-ordination between University departments.
Category 3
These are serious emergencies that involve continuing threats to individuals, property or University operations, and that will require a coordinated response between several departments or authorities.

1.5 Dealing with Category 1 Emergencies

Category 1 emergencies will be dealt with by the appropriate University department or departments and will not require the attendance of the Vice-President.

1.6 Dealing with Category 2 Emergencies

Category 2 emergencies will require the Vice-President Administration or, if the Vice-President is absent, a delegate, to attend at the scene of the emergency and report on his or her findings to the President so that the President can decide whether it is necessary to deal with the emergency as a Category 3 emergency.

1.7 Dealing with Category 3 Emergencies

The President or, in the President’s absence, the Provost, will call a meeting of President's Council to:

  • establish a Response Team,
  • appoint a Coordinator, normally the Vice-President Administration,
  • determine the location of the Response Centre, and
  • appoint a Spokesperson, who will normally be a member of the Response Team.

The Response Team will then meet in the Response Centre and ensure that all the work that must be done to respond to the emergency is completed in accordance with the directions of President's Council.


2.1 Permanent Members

The permanent members of President's Council are the President and vice-presidents.

2.2 Ad hoc Members

Ad hoc members of President's Council may be appointed for the purpose of dealing with an emergency.

2.3 Chair

The President will normally chair President's Council.

2.4 Role of President's Council

President's Council will have oversight over the work of the Response Team, Spokesperson and the communications plan.

2.5 Role of President's Council Members

President's Council members will advise President's Council and assist the Response Team and the Spokesperson in the areas set out below.
Provost and Vice-President, Academic and Research

  • Academic issues in general
  • Requirements for classrooms, laboratories and teaching and research equipment
  • Priorities re academic programs
  • Communications with academic units
  • Priorities re protecting research work

Vice-President, University Advancement

  • Communications issues
  • Plans for media and call centres
  • Press conferences and releases
  • Communications with stakeholders, media and outside agencies

Vice-President, Finance and Administration

  • Acquisition and distribution of supplies and equipment
  • Acquisition of services
  • Insurance issues including documentation
  • Staffing issues
  • Security issues
  • Housing and food issues
  • Acquisition of legal advice

Vice-President, International and Student Affairs

  • Student life issues
  • Residence life issues
  • Communications with students and parents
  • Counseling and health issues and services
  • Assistance to students with special needs


3.1 Members

The membership will vary and will normally include one or more persons from the following group:

  • the Academic Deans;
  • the Director of Student Life;
  • the Director of Administrative Services;
  • the Director of Marketing & Communications;
  • the Director of Facilities Management & Security;
  • the Director of Computing Services; and
  • the Director of Human Resources.

3.2 Role of the Team

The Team will deal with all aspects of the emergency including the response, communications and follow up, all in accordance with the directions of President's Council.

3.3 Role of Team Members

The Team Coordinator (see section 1.7(2)) will chair meetings of the team and will keep President's Council informed on all relevant issues. Other Team members will assist the Team in the areas set out below.
Academic Deans

  • Academic issues
  • Operational issues in facilities occupied by academic departments
  • Facilities issues in buildings occupied by academic departments

Director of Facilities Management and Security

  • Repair of facilities and restoration of services to facilities
  • Co-ordination of off campus resources (RCMP / EMO)
  • Evaluation of unsafe conditions
  • Provision of access to building plans
  • Security services
  • Control of hazardous materials in conjunction with the fire department

Director of Computing Services 

  • Phone services
  • Network services
  • Website

Director of Administrative Services

  • Residence facilities
  • Food services
  • Insurances services
  • Record keeping

Director of Marketing & Communications 

  • Messaging to the University community
  • Messaging to other stakeholders
  • Messaging to the public

Director of Student Affairs 

  • Residence life issues
  • Student life issues

Director of Human Resources

  • Emergency staff
  • Communications with unions
  • Benefits issues with staff


4.1 Purpose

The Response Centre is the location where the Response Team will meet and work.

4.2 Location

Possible locations include the following: Centennial Hall, Room 207; McCain Student Centre; Jennings Hall, Banquet Room; and Facilities Management Meeting Room. In appropriate cases an external location may be used.

4.3 Requirements

The Response Centre will be supplied with the information, equipment, services and supplies necessary to meet its responsibilities.
The following lists will assist in determining what the Centre will require:


  • Offices
  • Meeting rooms
  • Telephone lines
  • Electrical outlets
  • Internet drops
  • Wireless services
  • Emergency power
  • Emergency access


  • University phone directory
  • Local phone directory
  • Lists of media and other contacts
  • Corporate information kits (Mount A fact sheet, President’s Report, Prospectus, and other applicable material)


  • Photocopier
  • Fax
  • Camera and memory cards (still and video)
  • Phones
  • Cellular phones
  • Computers
  • Extension cords
  • Desks
  • Televisions
  • Battery chargers for equipment
  • Audio recorder and USB cables
  • Radio
  • Printer
  • Chairs


  • Letterhead (President, Chancellor, Vice-Presidents, and University Advancement)
  • Fax templates
  • Photocopy paper
  • Memory sticks
  • Name tags and room signs


5.1 Communications with Regents or Government Ministers

The President must approve all communications to Regents or Government Ministers, and will normally conduct such communications.

5.2 Spokesperson

For a Category 1 emergency, unless President's Council decides otherwise the Spokesperson will be the Director of Marketing and Communications.

For a Category 2 or 3 emergency, the President's Council will appoint a Spokesperson who will normally be a Vice-President.

5.3 Responsibilities of the Spokesperson

The Spokesperson is responsible for working with the Communications Department and the Response Team to develop and implement a communications strategy in accordance with any directions given by President's Council, and will normally conduct all communications with the media.

5.4 The Purposes of the Communications Strategy

The communications strategy will be designed first to assist the Response Team to respond to the emergency, then to inform stakeholders about the emergency and the University’s response to it, and finally to mitigate any adverse impact the emergency might have on the reputation of the University.

5.5 Stakeholder Groups

The communications strategy will be prepared taking into account the appropriate stakeholder groups given the specific emergency. The following list will provide assistance in identifying those stakeholders:
Internal Stakeholders

  • Students
  • Faculty
  • Staff
  • Board of Regents
  • MASU
  • Argosy
  • CHMA
  • Alumni Board

External Stakeholders

  • Parents
  • Alumni
  • General public (Sackville community, Greater Moncton area, Maritime Provinces,)
  • Town of Sackville
  • Media
  • Prospective students
  • Canadian university community (AAU, AUCC, CAUT)
  • RCMP
  • Public Health authorities
  • Government of New Brunswick
  • Hospital 

5.6 The Communications Department’s Responsibilities

The Communications Department will provide support to the spokesperson and, as appropriate, act as a liaison with the media.
Some of the specific services that will be provided by that Department follow:

  • Draft key messages for use in responding to enquiries
  • Draft communications to stakeholders
  • Draft media releases
  • Arrange news conferences
  • Arrange community meetings
  • Draft messages for posting on the University’s website
  • Arrange in appropriate cases for dedicated phone lines to receive enquiries
  • Arrange in appropriate cases for dedicated e-mail addresses to receive enquiries

5.7 Media Briefing Room Checklist

If a media briefing room is required, the following list will assist in the selection and equipping of that room:

  • Location: possible locations include the Wu Centre, Brunton Auditorium, and Crabtree Auditorium
  • Theatre-style seating with room for cameras
  • Projector and screen
  • Conference tables with tablecloth and skirt (garnet), not in front of windows
  • Chairs for presenters
  • Microphones and speakers
  • Name cards for presenters
  • University logo
  • Water for presenters
  • Video or audio setup for the University’s records
  • Flip chart 

5.8 Disclosure of Information about Members of the University Community

While individuals are entitled to information about the public business of the University, individuals are not entitled to information about identifiable individuals.
Furthermore, New Brunswick’s Right to Information and Protection of Privacy Act, when proclaimed in force, will prohibit the University from disclosing information about identifiable individuals unless

  • a) we have their consent,
  • b) disclosure is necessary to contact relatives or friends of individuals who have been injured or are ill, or
  • c) in the case of employees, the information is their University titles, University contact information or University employment responsibilities.