Jenny Wong

Zhang, Q.; Pardo, M.; Rudich, Y.; Kaplan-Ashiri, I.; Wong, J.P.S.; Davis, A.Y.; Black, M.S.; Weber, R.J. Chemical Composition and Toxicity of Particles Emitted from a Consumer-level 3D Printer using Various Materials, Environ. Sci. Technol., 53, 12054-12061, 2019.
Wong, J.P.S.; Tsagaraki, M.; Mihalopoulos, N.; Violaki, K.; Kanakidou, M.; Nenes, A.; Weber, R.J. Effects of Atmospheric Processing on the Oxidative Potential of Biomass Burning Organic Aerosols, Environ. Sci. Technol., 12, 6747-6756, 2019.
Wong, J.P.S.; Carslaw, N.; Zhao, R.; Zhou, S.; Abbatt, J.P.D. Observations and Impacts of Bleach Washing on Indoor Air Chlorine Chemistry, Indoor Air, 27, 1082-1090, 2017.
Wong, J.P.S.; Lee, A.K.Y.; Abbatt, J.P.D. Impacts of Sulfate Seed Acidity and Water Content on Isoprene Secondary Organic Aerosol Formation, Environ. Sci. Technol. , 49, 13215-13221, 2015.
Wong, J.P.S.; Zhou, S.; Abbatt, J.P.D. Changes in Secondary Organic Aerosol Composition and Mass due to Photolysis: Relative Humidity Dependence, J. Phys. Chem. A. 119, 4309-4316, 2014.
Wong, J.P.S.; Lee, A.K.Y.; Slowik, J.G.; Cziczo, D.J.; Leaitch, W.R.; MacDonald, A.; Abbatt, J.P.D. Oxidation of Biogenic Secondary Organic Aerosol (SOA) by Hydroxyl Radical: Effects on Cloud Condensation Nuclei Activity, Geophys. Res. Lett. 38, L22805, 2011.
Isenor. B.H.; Downey, J.P.; Whidden, S.A.; Fitzgerald, M.M; Wong, J.P.S. Oxidative Potential of FineParticulate Matter Emitted from Traditional and Improved Biomass Cookstoves. Environmental Science: Atmospheres.,4, 202-213, 2024.
Postdoctoral Fellowship/Research Scientist, School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Georgia Institute of Technology
PhD, MSc Environmental Chemistry, University of Toronto
H BSc Chemistry, University of Toronto
Fall 2024
CHEM 3521 - Analytical Chemistry I
CHEM 3521 - Environmental Chemistry
Winter 2025
CHEM 3421 — Analytical Chemistry II: Instrumental Methods of Analysis
The field of environmental chemistry focuses on understanding the chemical processes that occur in the environment, such as the sources, reactions, transport, and fate of chemical species in air, soil, and water; and their impacts. Environmental chemistry is highly interdisciplinary in nature, applying concepts in analytical, physical, organic, inorganic, and biological chemistry, as well as toxicology in order to understand and solve environmental issues. Our research explores the chemistry involving atmospheric aerosols particles and the connections to climate and adverse human health outcomes. We do this by combining lab experiments with field measurements, as well as developing new analytical tools. Our current research focuses on addressing the following questions:
- What are the physiochemical properties and toxicity of aerosol particles (especially those from emerging sources)?
- Can chemical processes involving aerosol particles alter the physiochemical and toxicological properties?
- What are the impacts of historical air quality regulations or guidance on reducing the concentration of toxic species in aerosol particles?